teranmäenpaja Oy
Teranmäki workshop has been operating since 2014 and the products have gained a lot of popularity all over Finland. Teranmäki offers unique handmade decorative and utility items as well as larger stuctures. The products are handmade in Jäppilä by blacksmith Tero Vepsäläinen.
Handmade jewelry will also be sold at the same stand. The jewelry is made by Heilo Handmade. Heilo handmade is a small workshop in Jäppilä, straight from the heart of Savo. Heilo makes unique earrings and necklaces by hand. The material is very diverse polymermass and resin, where only imagination and the sky are the limits. Reindeer antler and the fascinating birch are used as natural materials. Dare to be different!
Facebook @taontapajaarcturus
Instagram @teranmaen_paja @heilohandmade